• Our perception of beauty •

 Am I beautiful? Am I too skinny? Do I look fat?

I don’t like my eyes, they’re too far apart.

I don’t like my nose, it’s too big

♦Am I enough?♦

Questions like these roam your head on a daily basis. Catch yourself looking in the mirror, contemplating whether or not you look pretty today, or if those jeans make your thighs look bigger and curvier than normal.

Does it matter though? If you asked me a couple days ago, I would probably say yes, but now, after a few days of thinking, I would say that it is a complete, and utter nonsense.

Feeling confident, beautiful, enough, shouldn’t become an obligation. Just because someone tells you to stop harassing yourself with these words, doesn’t mean that you will automatically feel that you’re enough.

Personally speaking, as an 18 year old,  I’ve met a lot of people, I’ve visited a couple of websites regarding the issue of self-confidence and I must say that they haven’t really helped me conquer that feeling that there are people out there more beautiful, more confident, etc.

Surely enough, the first thing you need to acknowledge before discovering yourself is that of course there are people with other qualities, characteristics, talents, better or worse than yours, with features that to one may seem attractive while others might disagree. But it doesn’t really matter how others look or how better or worse they look compared to you.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop imitating a certain way of living, dressing, etc. Stop chasing a life that it was never yours from the beginning and start paving the way for your own journey.

Start focusing on you more. What is your favorite food? What do you like to do in your spare time? What is your go-to outfit? Exercise, relieve your body from all the stress that you put on your shoulders, take a break. 

The beauty standards that your family, your friends, your peers, the Internet, social media, etc. that they have transferred into your brain they’re not but perspectives of different people, people with completely different beliefs and opinions, which is normal.

You shouldn’t feel obligated to follow these standards. How about you set your own?

Play the game by setting your own rules.


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